Picture this: you’re curled up on the couch with a cozy blanket and cup of your favorite tea. Or glass of (good quality) wine. Or in a glorious epsom salt bath after a long day. Or laying back in your bed, in those few minutes before you fall fast asleep. Or even better? Snuggled up on a weekend, during the afternoon, listening to the rain, or the fire crackling. YES to the YES, my friends. 

I know I’m not the only one who loves to read. My team (and so many of you!) snuggle up with a book just as much as I do (our last few SRH book club posts prove it, see last summer’s here and 2021 summer recs here). And in this in-between season of winter and spring (like I talked about in last week’s post), there is no better time to dive deep into a book and get transported away. Or maybe you’re prepping for a little spring break beach reading.

Whatever it is, here’s a little encouragement this weekend to leave your phone in another room (or on airplane mode), finding a comfy spot wherever you,  and dip into another world for a few minutes (or hours). It it so soothing for your nervous system, and helps your body re-regulate itself. One of the many great reasons to do it, of course.

I hope you find your next favorite read somewhere on this list!

Here are all of our latest favs at Team SRH these days. What ones would you add?! Tell us below!

Sarah’s Latest Favorites:

  • The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest: I love a good encouragement book, as one of the tools I use to start my day. Even just 5 minutes of reading something that sinks you into your life, your body and how you want to approach the day ahead can shift so much. If you’re on a journey to break self-sabotaging habits and build resilience and emotional intelligence instead, you’re going to love this. I’m still making my way though, but it’s good so far. 
  • The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah: This heart wrenching read takes place on the Alaskan frontier, so it’s the perfect winter saga. I know I’m a little late to the game picking this one up, but it grabbed me from the beginning and had me reaching for tissues while flipping pages. It’s slightly more intense than I usually go for (and thanks to my book club for forcing me to read this one, lol) but all of Kristin Hannah’s books are so good. 
  • The Maid by Nita Prose: You know I love a good thriller, and this locked room mystery is somehow… heartwarming? Molly is such a fun main character, and this story will keep you guessing and keep you hooked! Loved this one. 
  • It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover: I’ll admit it, I’m in the CoHo fan club. I love a love story– even a complicated one, and this totally delivers. I also loved the follow up, It Starts With Us  (reading both really pulls the story together, IMHO). 
  • Happy Child, Happy Home: I’m not a *huge* parenting book reader, but I heard this woman being interviewed on a podcast and I loved all the tiny, simple little ideas she had, around tending to and harnessing the magic of childhood. And making a cozy, happy home with little ones. It’s not too intense, I loved the practical ideas and just the perspective of cherishing this time.

Jordyn’s Favorites (team SRH head of marketing)

  • Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus: Life, love, science, and cooking– it might seem like an eclectic mix, but this story is absolutely fantastic and totally unique! It’s been getting lots of buzz for good reason.  
  • Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin: This is a love story unlike anything else we’ve ever read. Don’t let the video game premise throw you– it’s a delightful read even if that’s not your area of expertise. 

Melissa’s Favorites (team SRH head of operations)

  • Our Missing Hearts: a hello sunshine book rec, and you know those are always so good. A story of mother and son, and the legacies we leave, with twists and turns along the way.
  • This Time Tomorrow: what if you could take a vacation to your past? A touching story of daughter and father, and what we leave behind.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr: This book blends timelines and universes masterfully. We don’t even want to say too much about the plot, but know that it was camped at the top of the bestseller list for a reason! 
  • Take My Hand by Dolen Perkins-Valdez: This historical fiction is based on the true story of a Black nurse in the wake of Alabama segregation, and it will break your heart in the best of ways– and give you a glimpse of redemption, too.  
  • Black Cake by Charmaine Wilkerson: This may be one of the most beautifully told stories out there. Two siblings are trying to make sense of their future, and their past, after their mother’s death. And it turns out, neither of those things are what they expected. 

There you have it: our top 10 winter reads! And a happy P.S.– lots of these titles are buy one, get one 50% off on Amazon right now! So if you’re looking to stock up, it’s the perfect time. Or check out my 20 favorite books to gift (for kids & adults here).

Tell us: what have you been reading & loving lately? Drop your favs in a comment below so we can get a big list going!


Need a little healthy boost in your life this Winter? Check out the SRH SHOP, full of recipe guides, seasonal meal plans and easy tools to help you feel great, eat great and do it all simply & easily. Check it out here.


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